Recommended Hanfu in costume dramas

EmpressesinthePalace hanfu

Hanfu are an integral part of costume dramas. Here are a few common recommendations for hanfu in costume dramas:

The upper jacket is mostly tight and short, and the lower skirt is mostly loose and long. This style of Hanfu is very common in ancient costume dramas, such as 《EmpressesinthePalace》 and 《Startling by Each Step

Deep Clothes: Deep Clothes is a kind of robe-style Hanfu, which is characterized by “being deep”. Its lapel is ankle-length, and the collar, sleeves, lapel, and train are all edged, with no split at the hem. It is often used as a costume for scholar and literati characters in ancient dramas, such as “《Nirvana in Fire》” and “《The Story of Minglan》”.

Curve Train: Curve Train is a special style of Hanfu, characterized by a long and curved lapel that can be wrapped around the waist. The curved train is often used as a costume for female characters in ancient costume dramas, such as “《The Legend of Miyue》” and “《The longest day in Chang’an》”.

Straight Train: Straight train is a simple style of Hanfu, characterized by a straight and short lapel, often paired with wide-sleeved robes. Straight train is often used as a costume for the characters of scholars and soldiers in ancient costume dramas, such as “《Da Ming Wang Chao》” and “《Kang Xi Kingdom》”.

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